
Friday, March 29, 2013

Brushing her wet hair - 
We linger long after the
tangles come undone. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Season's first flower - 
She sweetly picks it for me,
certain it will grow. 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Seeking the comet
on the horizon. We face
the wrong direction. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Checking on the kids - 
Their figures fuse with the dark.
Soft breath - Whispering sheets 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Soft, starless twilight.
High, pale moon. Before bed, my
kids on their swings - Spring

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Up to bed early - 

His empty chair still impressed

with his company.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Winter's gray stays - like
heavy gravity crushing
earth's inclination.

This picture was taken yesterday at the end of my jog at a local preserve here on Long Island. Every day I wake hoping for a warm spring day, but Winter still has a firm grip on us here. The grayness of the woods just confirmed that for me.

Please write and share your haiku about this picture. Have a good week!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Recording Haiku Moments

My only and favorite time to write is early in the morning. I rise at 5:30 and sit to write for about an hour depending on the morning. I normally use my writing time for Haiku's. Many of my haiku's are about early morning, partly because I find that time of day so inspirational, and partly because I have trouble remembering the haiku moments from the day before. When I walk away from my computer and begin my day, the haiku moments come flooding into my mind and go out just as fast as they came.

I realize I need to start writing down the moments I wish to write about throughout the day. I love using paper and pen, but its not practical for me to use at any given moment. I could be at the playground chasing my daughter while holding my son and by the time I have a chance to get to a notebook, the idea would most likely be gone. However, I always have my phone with me no matter where I am or what I am doing, so going forward I plan to jot down my haiku ideas there. I plan on emailing myself the ideas or using a program like Evernote. I am also going to try to squeeze in some more writing time before bedtime, that is, if I can keep my eyes open by that time.

How do you record your haiku moments? How often during the day do you try to sit down to write?

Monday, March 4, 2013

The sunrise sparkling
behind the hill. Bare trees still
immersed in the night.

When you look into my backyard from the kitchen, there is a hill which leads up to another street. On that hill are beautiful trees with birds flying about. I love to look out the window each morning and see the sun rising from behind the hill.

While this is not a picture of the hill I see each morning, here is a picture of a similar scene which you can use to write your own haiku. I look forward to your posts. I am curious what each of you will focus on from the picture, or perhaps you'll write about an emotion or memory which arises when you see this picture.

Photo credit: Captured_By_Anoop / / CC BY